The goal of collaborative is to develop modules through Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles that can be adapted and/or implemented in secondary mathematics education methods courses to enhance and improve students’ clinical experience opportunities within their preparation program by engaging the mentor teacher. Our modules are open access available and free for use through our Canvas materials course page.
Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) Module |
Lesson Planning Module for
Student Feedback to Improve Mathematical Goals
Mathematical Task Writing
The SMP Module is designed to provide teacher candidates and mentor teachers a bidirectional, shared experiences to better understand the SMPs and their relevance to impactful teaching.
This module is fully completed and available for use. Questions about implementation can be directed to Jan Yow. |
The LP Module is designed to discover teacher candidates’ preconceived beliefs about lesson planning and move them towards a greater understanding of the components of high-quality lesson plans embedded in the Mathematics Teaching Practices (MTPs) designed to engage students in the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs).
This module is fully completed and available for use. Questions about implementation can be directed to Jeremy Zelkowski & Patrice Waller. |
The Feedback Module is designed to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to develop knowledge in effective practices for providing student feedback that is constructive, critical, and equitable. The focus is on learning to provide rich and appropriate feedback to students based on the mathematical goals of the lesson/activity. This module is working towards a final revision and is expected ready for use Fall 2020.
This module is fully completed and available for use. Questions about implementation can be directed to Belinda Edwards. |
The Task Writing Module is built around a mathematical letter writing exchange between middle and secondary teacher candidates and high school math students. Teacher candidates seem to better understand mathematics and are better able to understand their penpals’ interests, attitudes, and learning progression.
This module is nearing a phase or sharing beyond the development team. Questions can be directed to Holly Anthony. |
Request Access to our Module Materials in Canvas (click here)
Yow, J. A., Wallace, P., & Edwards, B. (2018). A national effort to integrate field experiences into secondary mathematics methods courses. In T. Hodges & A. Baum (Eds.), The Handbook on Research of Field-Based Teacher Education (pp395-419). IGI Global.
Zelkowski, J., Yow, J. A., Ellis, M. E., & Waller, P. (2020). Engaging mentor teachers with teacher candidates during methods courses in clinical settings. In W.G. Martin, B.R. Lawler, A. Litchka, & W. M. Smith (Eds.). The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership: The Power of a Networked Improvement Community to Transform Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation (pp. 211-234). Information Age Publishing, Inc. Zelkowski, J., Yow, J., Waller, P., Edwards, B.P., Anthony, H.G., Campbell, T.G., Keefe, A., Wilson, C. (2022). Linking the field-based mentor teacher to university coursework: Methods course modules for completing the triad of learning for mathematics teacher candidates. In D. Polly & E. Garin (Eds.). Preparing Quality Teachers: Advances in Clinical Practice (pp.570-608). Information Age Publishing, Inc. Yow, J. A., Zelkowski, J., & Waller, P. (2022). Secondary mathematics methods course modules to engage the mentor teacher. Supplemental Materials to Support the Implementation of AMTE’s Standards for Preparing Teachers for Mathematics. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Edwards, B. P., Lawler, B. R. (in press). Developing teacher candidates’ effective questioning techniques via a school-university partnership in practice, In D. Polly, E. Garin & C. Martin (Eds). Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action Cases from Mathematics Teacher Educators. Information Age. |
Waller, P. & Zelkowski, J. (2021, Feb). Connecting Lesson Planning to Practice: Engaging Mentor Teachers in Productive Interactions with Teacher Candidates. Paper presented for presentation at AMTE, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL. Moved to online conference for 2021 due to COVID Pandemic.
Zelkowski, J. (2021, Feb). Transforming Math Teacher Preparation Program Design for successful Teacher Candidate Licensure Examinations. Paper accepted for presentation at AMTE, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL. Moved to online conference for 2021 due to COVID Pandemic. Zelkowski, J. (2020, Jun). Using measures for leveraging program change and transformation. Paper presented at the MTEP, Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference. Scottsdale, AZ. Moved to online Conference due to COVID Pandemic Strutchens, M., Sears, R., Zelkowski, J., Conway, B. & Mangram, C. (2020, Feb). Collaborating to improve clinical experiences for secondary teacher candidates. AMTE, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Phoenix, AZ. Strutchens, M., Sears, R., Gobstein, H., Martin, W.G., Sutton, J., Zelkowski, J. Conway, B., & Mangram, C. (2020, Jan). Improving Clinical Experiences for Teacher Candidates and Mentor Teachers. Poster presentation at the Joint Mathematics Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society. Denver, CO. Zelkowski, J., Waller, P., Yow, J., Ellis, M., Edwards, B., & Boyle, J.D. (2018, Jun). Cooperating teachers candidates’ dual engagement modules during methods courses. MTEP, Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference, Denver, CO. Zelkowski, J. (2016, Jun). Using the MCOP2 as a Grade-Bearing Assessment of Clinical Field Observations. MTEP, Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. Zelkowski, J. (2015, Jun). The MCOP2 protocol for observations and scoring in a preservice teacher preparation program. MTEP, Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference, Fullerton, CA. Invited presentation.